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Logan Rose Nelms-93.jpg

Logan was born and raised in sunny Florida, and has been performing for as long as she can remember.  It started with singing and gymnastics, and while her childhood dreams of being an Olympic gymnast were thwarted by an injury and a move to a different town, she was able to save a 1997 production of The Music Man by tumbling across the stage for 32 bars of "forgotten" choreography in Seventy-Six Trombones. That was about the time she knew she couldn't turn from the stage.


Many years later, after countless hours of ballet, choir and living room reenactments of Grease, she attended the University of Miami and received a BM in Musical Theatre. 


She currently resides in New York City and is bringing all that same passion and a lot more craft to her work in the crazy business of entertainment.


She loves climbing, playing pool, doing yoga, craft beer, her amazing friends and family and her superstar husband. She's pretty much a person.

Manager: Cyd LeVin & Associates

Agent: Boals Winnett & Associates

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